Rev. Matthew McHale
Reverend Matthew McHale (Rev.Matthew) Rev. Matthew grew up attending the UU Church of Long Beach. He received an MDiv from Starr King School for the Ministry in 2014. Rev. Matthew has served as the Settled Minister for the Emerson UU Church in Canoga Park (in Los Angeles) since 2016. His many strengths include creative worship, dynamic leadership, and a wealth of experience with justice work within Unitarian Universalism and in the wider world. Rev. Matthew believes UUism has much to offer the world, and looks forward to bringing his skills and experience to helping our Congregation more effectively offer its light to the world by making love visible. He says, “my vision for Ministry is one of transforming our communities into places of healing, support, justice, vision, and hope. Our religious communities can be models for the world we are creating.”.