2025-26 Annual Giving Campaign: Sowing Seeds for the Future

Art by Craig Small, adapted by Rev. Matthew McHale

The First Unitarian Church of San Jose (FUCSJ) is a liberal faith community supporting inclusive, anti-racist, anti-oppressive values. We are fully supported by our members and friends as we strive to make love visible in all that we say and do.

The 2025-26 annual giving campaign will kick off on Inspiration Sunday, February 2. Rev. Matthew will lead the service. There will be many opportunities to make pledges, individually or at various pledge parties in February. The campaign will wrap up on Celebration Sunday, March 2.

We encourage you to make a pledge during the annual giving campaign. Every pledge moves us forward in our shared ministry. Last year’s pledges enabled us to call our new settled minister Rev. Matthew McHale. Please click below to access the online pledge form.

2025-26 Online Pledge Form

Automatic Withdrawal
Many donors choose to pay their pledges by having the church withdraw money from their checking accounts on a periodic basis. If you wish to do that, please indicate “automatic withdrawal” on your pledge form. Our bank requires that we have on file a signed paper copy of an automatic withdrawal authorization form for all such transactions. If you submitted a new authorization form in 2022 or after, you do not need to submit a new one now. If you are creating a new automatic withdrawal, please click on the following link, print the form, fill it out, sign it and date it, and mail it to the church office at First Unitarian Church of San Jose, 160 N Third St, San Jose CA 95112. Please contact treasurer@sanjoseuu.org with any questions or to modify your existing banking information or to modify or cancel an automatic withdrawal schedule. Each year the bank demands to see a selection of these forms, so please submit yours if you have not done so.

Automatic Withdrawal Authorization Form

Annual Budget

The annual budget for 2025-26 will be considered at a Congregational Meeting after Sunday service on May 18, 2025. The proposed budget will depend on the amounts pledged, so please pledge to ensure that we can continue to pay our staff fairly and pay our other expenses.

2025 Annual Giving Campaign Brochure

Click above to see this year’s Annual Giving Campaign brochure.

Annual Campaign Giving Guide

Click above for suggestions to help you figure out pledge amounts for how much you want to give.

Tax Benefits for Certain Ways of Paying Your Pledge

Click above to learn about paying your pledge by transferring stock or by paying from your IRA, which might have tax benefits for some donors.