After attending services at The First Unitarian Church of San José, getting to know its people, and participating in its programs and activities, you may find yourself aligned with its values and principles. You may, after a period of discernment, decide you wish to declare yourself a Unitarian Universalist and a member of this congregation.

Each prospective member is asked to speak with our senior minister, Rev. Matthew McHale, about your intention to join the church. It is an opportunity to get to know each other better and to discern each new member’s needs and how the church can best serve them.  It is also a chance to discuss how prospective members can share their gifts in congregational life.

You must be at least 14 years old to become a member of the church. Signing the membership book marks formal membership in the congregation. Some benefits of membership include the right to vote at congregational meetings, pass budgets, elect officers, and take public stands on issues of the day.