No Rehearsal Holiday Pageant
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Meeting ID: 991 2292 1439 / Password: FUCSJ
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The Holiday Pageant is a joyous all-ages service where everyone has an opportunity to join in … read more.
- Worship AssociatesHi there — would you like to add to our services and have your voice be heard? Consider joining our Worship Associate team. You will receive emails a few times ...
- Introducing The Right Relations Team (RRT)The Right Relations Team at First Unitarian Church of San Jose is a new resource available to congregants of the church. Its members are Robin Beresford and John Hurd. The function of ...
- Announcing our FUCSJ Settled Minister!On April 28, 2024, nearly 100% of the voting members chose to call Rev. Matthew McHale as our next settled minister! We are so glad to welcome him and his ...
- Congregational Budget Meeting 2024Congregational Budget Meeting Sunday, May 19, 2024, 12:30pm. We will have our annual Congregational Budget Meeting on Sunday, May 19th. It will take place immediately after church service. Please attend and vote ...
- Right Relations CovenantRight Relations Covenant of the First Unitarian Church of San José The First Unitarian Church of San Jose is a faith community grounded in an affirmation of shared values, rather than ...
- Open Mic Night ..AND GAMES TOO! @FUCSJ!EVERY SECOND SATURDAY from 6-9:30pm Come sing, play, dance, read your latest poems or snippets from a book in progress. Performers have 10 minutes or two songs, whichever comes first. Sign ups ...
- Congregational Budget Meeting 2024Congregational Budget Meeting Sunday, May 19, 2024, 12:30pm. We will have our annual Congregational Budget Meeting on Sunday, May 19th. It will take place immediately after church service. Please attend and vote ...
Join Us Sunday at 11:00 am
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Monthly Theme
- Welcome To The Month Of RepairPractice Repair Bless generously, curse rarely; practice repair. Read a book or a blog or watch a movie about something or some situation or someone beyond the ability to relate; practice repair. Lean into comfort zones, strengths, and inklings of bliss; practice repair. Pause to ask whether words are both skillful and absolutely necessary; practice repair. Sing full-throated songs that create and recreate beloved community; practice repair. Let go of stubborn self-righteousness, and have mercy; practice repair. Honor the ancestors who could not have imagined our lives or even our very being; practice repair. Smile; practice repair. Multiply joy, divide sorrow, practice repair. With the tools at hand; practice repair. Perhaps I ...