Whole-Church Faith Formation
Welcome to First Unitarian’s programs for faith formation, where we engage in spiritual exploration and worldview formation!

Sunday Morning for Children and Youth
On Sunday mornings, we meet in the Sanctuary for the first part of worship at 11 AM. During the service, everyone is invited to sit on the Labyrinth and hear the story during the Time for All Ages. The Congregation will then sing the children and youth out of the Sanctuary as they gather downstairs for their time together.
All children and youth, of all ages, are very welcome to stay in the Sanctuary for the entire service. We welcome the gurgles and cries of the youngest and we invite children of all ages to be VIP’s (Very Inquisitive People) and to stay and participate in the Worship service. For some children, the hour of worship can be a gift of calm in the busyness of their life. Our greeters have coloring pages to help keep the fidgets to a minimum.
Our church is casual and our children and youth frequently engage in active or messy (paint, glue, etc.) play in our groups. Please have your children and youth dress in clothes appropriate for running and getting messy.
Our Sunday Morning Program will engage children in exploring our Unitarian Universalist faith.
Nursery: Birth–First Grade Lower Level Starting 10:45 to 12:30
We provide loving attention, care, and support for each child in initiating play activities at their own developmental level. Each week our staff provides a loving presence as they engage children in games, stories and crafts. Parents are welcome to accompany their children in the nursery to help them acclimate. There is a monitor that streams the service to the nursery so parents can still see the service while their child gets used to the nursery and our staff and volunteers.
One Room Schoolhouse: Grades 2-8
We have just restarted our Sunday children’s programming in March of 2023 after the Covid shut down. The group meets downstairs in Room 6. We use an adapted version of the Soul Matters curriculum to accommodate the large age range of our group. More about Soul Matters can be found on their website at https://www.
Youth Group: Grades 9-12
We have an active Youth Group that meets weekly. The Youth Group meets in the Youth Room upstairs across from the balcony. The group doesn’t follow a specific curriculum. Instead the Youth Group engages in activities and discussion to help participants define themselves and their faith.
Religious Education Committee
The Religious Education Committee meets on the first Sunday of the month at 12:45 in the Conference room downstairs. Meetings tend to last about an hour. The committee is a great way to learn what is happening in Religious Education and to have input on future plans. All are welcome at the meetings.
Safety Policy
Our churches safety policy is that there are at least two adults present in all rooms with children or youth. We also, in compliance with California law, run a fingerprint based background check on all volunteers working with children or youth and require our volunteers to complete Mandated Reporter Training.