Welcoming LGBTQIA Group

If you are part of the FUCSJ community and think of yourself as somewhere under the LGBTQIA umbrella (this includes Allies), you are invited to join the “Welcoming LGBTQIA” email group. This group organizes the UUA’s Welcoming Congregation programming, and covers additional LGBTQIA church activities and issues at FUCSJ. Your input is important in determining future directions for the LGBTQIA communities in our congregation.

Some members of the Group are now leading the church in a Welcoming Congregation Renewal process. More straight cisgender allies are especially needed, to make FUCSJ a truly welcoming congregation for all LGBTQIA folks.

There are no regular group meetings at this time.  K’Ailsa Rowan kailsa@rowanwood.com and Marnie Singer marniesinger@sbcglobal.net are the email list managers. Please contact either of them to request to join this private group.