Tag: 2021

Welcome to the Practice of Holding History: Two Essays

Welcome to the Practice of Holding History: Two Essays
from the writers at the Soul Matters Sharing Circle,
a Unitarian Universalist resource collaborative,
with an introductory note from Rev. Nancy

Before You Read—An Important Note from Rev. Nancy:

Beloveds, in the work of anti-oppression, we student-practitioners … read more.

Frequently Asked Questions: What Is Beloved Community?

Beloved Community—now, there’s a phrase that many good liberal people have tossed around in recent decades. Often the speakers don’t pause to define the phrase. Maybe they assume that we listeners can all just imagine what this kind of community looks and feels like, … read more.

Welcome, 2021! Rebuilding Our Imagination

Dear Year 2021,

Welcome! We are so glad you are here! I mean really—words can’t express how glad we are that you are here! You’ll have to imagine our joyful squeals, our urgent prayers, our hopeful sighs, our whoops of relief, and our great gusts of … read more.