Yule for All Ages!

Re-gifting Gift Exchange

We sing the songs and share the traditional celebrations of Yule. Worship centers this Sunday on an all-ages re-gifting gift exchange!


What to Bring to Participate in the Fun: We invite each person who comes on this Sunday morning—children, youth, adults—to bring a wrapped gift! Choose something that you already have but are ready to let go of: re-gift a toy, book, trinket, piece of jewelry, item of clothing—anything that you think might make a fun gift for an unknown recipient! (If you need to buy something new, please stay within a $10 gift limit—or make something by hand for extra meaning.) Please wrap your gift and bring it to the front of the sanctuary before worship begins.


Gifts will be handed out randomly, and we’ll open them all at the same moment! Maybe an adult will get a toy! Maybe a child will get a massive tome! Maybe those folks will want to re-gift them to family members afterward. There will also be a “Re-Gift Your Re-Gift” table in the Social Hall following worship for those who want to continue to swap.


This is no-pressure, playful re-gifting! We will have some extra wrapped gifts in case folks arrive this Sunday who haven’t gotten the good word about this Re-Gift Exchange!


Worship Leader: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones
Worship Associate: Lina Starr