With an Overflowing Heart: The Gift of Gratitude

Join us in person in the Sanctuary or online live → https://bit.ly/Sunday-Morning-Worship-At-FUCSJ
Meeting ID: 968 4401 2209 / Password: FUCSJ
By phone: 669 900 6833 US (San Jose area)
Find your local number: https://uuma.zoom.us/u/abeU54lCqn

With an Overflowing Heart: The Gift of Gratitude

As we at First Unitarian have experienced over and over, we always have unexpected gifts and blessings to celebrate, even in the hardest times. Resilience, love, loyalty, commitment, strength, companionship, empathy, a willingness to learn and grow (even when we don’t want to), and so much more are part of this community’s heritage. They are also the seedlings that will always need nurturing and replanting. On this Sunday, Rev. Nancy and Worship Associate Bill Bowman lift up present-moment gifts along with the last 17 years of blessings. When we share our Joys and Sorrows, you’ll have a chance to share your gratitude’s too.

          We’ll also be offering our gratitude and blessings to congregant Karen Conrotto as she moves to Vancouver, WA. And our Special Collection goes to our Partner Church relationship with the Unitarian Church in Homoródszentmárton, Romania.

After the service, Rev. Nancy will facilitate a multi-platform conversation about what we leaders are learning in the wake of our Director of Faith Formation jo mosher’s resignation, and we’ll share thoughts about how we can move forward.

PLUS we’ll celebrate Karen C.’s many contributions to FUCSJ with a reception!

Please don’t miss this overflowing FUCSJ Sunday!

Special Attention Needed: VivaCalleSJ once more passes by our church building this Sunday. Please see Nika’s and my all-church emails for how best to attend church in person!


Worship Leader: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones

Worship Associate: Bill Bowman
