Universalism: Why the Second U in UU Speaks Louder to Me

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Graphic of needle being threaded. On one end is a grey thread, and once it passes through the hole, it becomes a rainbow of threads. The bottom of the needle points to the title of the service,"Universalism: Why the Second U in UU Speaks Louder to Me." The title of the service is stacked such that all of the "U"s line up vertically, and look as if they are being threaded by the needle.

Universalism is a word that means many things in different contexts, but this week jo will tell a bit about their own journey to Universalism – and why Universalism means so much to them in these times we live in. We will look a bit into philosophy and ethics and the theoretical future or religion – but mostly we will focus on human relationships, a tad of existentialism, and a whole lot of Oneness. And, we will have a wonderful story about unity and discovery for our Time for All Ages! 🙂

Worship Leader: Jo Mosher
Worship Associates:  Jenny Cressman and Dianne Saichek
