The Transcendent Encounter: What Makes Us Stop and Wonder? — Advent IV

Meeting ID: 970 0872 9249  /  Password: 096695

Night sky beneath the trees.

Have you ever come across a painting, a statue, or another work of art—say, a piece of music or a fragrance on the air—that stops you in mid-stride? Something about what you’re seeing, hearing, feeling, or sensing makes you stop and go still in order to encounter it more fully.

This Sunday we make space for such encounters. We revisit music from earlier in the month—Chris Pasillas’s “The Vessel” and Amanda Udis-Kessler’s new Advent hymn—in order to experience them more deeply. In the stillness, we re-member—reassemble—ourselves and awaken once again to the beauty and wonder that give us strength for what’s to come.


Worship Leader: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones

Worship Associate: Marnie Singer
