The Aria in Unitarian

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“An aria in an opera is a set-piece song for a solo singer in which the character expresses an emotion or ideal that doesn’t necessarily drive the story forward. It is a formalized song, often highly structured and full of repetition, that is designed as much to display the virtues of the singer as to enhance the narrative.” (Opera 101) It is a moment in the opera in which we dwell in the present moment to help us realize where we are, what have we gone through, where are we headed. Literally translated as air, aria provides the breath we need for comprehension.  This Sunday is a good time to celebrate William Ellery Channing and World Laughter Day in one breath.  We need to take a breath to define what is Unitarian.

Bio:  Rev. Tet Gallardo served as the president and executive minister of the UU Church of the Philippines during the pandemic. She was the Balazs Scholar at Starr King School for the Ministry 2016-17. She’s worked on several advocacies and assisted more than 40 nonprofits. She is now focused on her passion to create learning ecosystems and being lead uncertainty consultant for several companies in the Philippines.  She’s a Zen meditation leader in a Philippine sangha but is known to have a fiery attitude towards injustice.

Worship Leader: Rev. Tet Gallardo

Worship Associate: Diana Mecum