The massive disruption in our lives over the past month can cause pain and loss, fear and loneliness. It can also break our hearts open to new ways of hearing old stories, to new understandings of the truth in our interconnectedness with all that is. In this time of high holidays for Jews and Christians, we share the old stories in new ways that just might offer us guidance in our own turbulent times.
What to Bring: We invite children of all ages to create ahead of time drawings, paintings, sculptures, or constructions of any kind of flowers, flower gardens, or other flora—of anything that by nature grows out of the ground! Then bring these works of art—no matter how humble!—to our online annual Flower Communion. Flower Communion takes on new meaning this year when we all bring something meaningful to show and tell on Zoom!
Worship Leader: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones
Worship Associate: Ram Kakarala