Shaping One’s Life with Intention (or not)

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A mended oar being used to paddle
Photo by Ankit Sinha on Unsplash

On this Sunday, We will look at living with intention on a personal level. What stories do we have from our own lives – not only successes, but also growth opportunities that came from missing the mark? What resources do we have that help resilience, besides love and grit? Acknowledgement, acceptance, forgiveness, and reassessment are part of the process, too.
Special videos:
Ann Reed singing her Every Long Journey
The Bengsons singing their The Keep Going Song

Please join us for a service that inspires heart, mind, body, and spirit!

For this MULTI-PLATFORM Service, up to 40 people, all masked and vaccinated, can attend in the sanctuary.

Other members, friends, and guests can join us online at this Zoom link:
However you attend, wherever you are, we look forward to welcoming you into this loving community!

Worship Leader:  Marnie Singer
Worship Associates: Diana Mecum and Meredy Halen
