Serving This World, Grounded in Our Faith

This Sunday, February 6th, 2022, 11:00 a.m. (Time for Gathering begins at 10:45 a.m.), Live ONLINE & In PERSON!

Serving This World, Grounded in Our Faith

Meeting ID: 970 0872 9249 / Password: 096695
By phone: 669 900 6833 US (San Jose area)
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Every Sunday in February we will explore the theme “Widening the Circle” from a
variety of entry points. This Sunday is our annual Community Ministry Sunday,
widening our understanding of what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist
minister in the world. We host a lively conversation between our minister Rev.
Nancy and the Rev. Sarah Skochko, who serves as a Unitarian Universalist
community minister with a diverse portfolio.
In Part 1, we focus on Rev. Sarah’s chaplaincy in a multifaith hospital in
Austin, Texas; we hear stories about what it means to embody Unitarian
Universalism when the people you are serving have radically different beliefs. In

Part 2, the two ministers dive into what they believe at their core, where they find
strength and guidance, and how they live in a “both/and” theological world. This
conversation offers inspiration for each of us as we find our own “ministries”
living out Unitarian Universalism in this world.
With poignancy, gratitude, and love, we give our farewell blessings to
Stephanie Dorman this Sunday, as she and her spouse prepare to move to Eugene,
Oregon. Stephanie, in her short time with FUCSJ, surely found her ministries
among us!
And we take up a Special Collection for the Unitarian Universalist Society
of Community Ministers.
Music this week includes our beloved anthem, #1014 “Answering the Call
of Love” (formerly “Standing on the Side of Love”) and a beautiful rendition of
“Vienen con Alegría,” which is #64 in our purple Spanish hymnal. Here it is
performed by musicians for the Episcopal church. Will the words be the same or
different, and what might this say about the embrace of Unitarian Universalism?

Worship Leaders: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones and Rev. Sarah Skochko
Worship Associate: Jenny Cressman

Please join us for a service that inspires heart, mind, body, and spirit!
For this MULTI-PLATFORM Service, up to 40 people, all masked and vaccinated, can attend in the sanctuary.
Other members, friends, and guests can join us online at this Zoom link:
However you attend, wherever you are, we look forward to welcoming you into this loving community!
