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For the past few weeks, Rev. Nancy and Worship Associate Inés Zapiola have experimented with a variety of practices to help them “return to Life” when they’ve felt stuck, overwhelmed, or discouraged. Come hear the results of their experiments, and discover some of your own!
Recognizing that there’s plenty in this world to discourage us these days, we “rebels” explore ways to reawaken to Life’s goodness and the quiet, persistent joy that such awakening can provide.
The music includes a sparkling new anthem from the Alegría Singers, “Winter Ride,” by Mari E. Valverde, and the delightful “Happy,” by Pharrell, performed by Guitars Aloud with dancers from throughout the congregation! To accompany the extinguishing of our second Advent candle in our ritual of Advent in Reverse, we’ll also sing “Dark of Winter,” beloved hymn #55 in our gray hymnal by Unitarian Universalist singer-songwriter Shelley Denham.
For this MULTI-PLATFORM Service, up to 40 people, all masked and vaccinated, can attend in the sanctuary—NO RESERVATION REQUIRED. We have plenty of room!
Other members, friends, and guests can join us online at this Zoom link:
However you attend, wherever you are, we look forward to welcoming you into this loving community!
Worship Leaders: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones
Worship Associate: Inés Zapiola
Topics: Returning to Liofe