Resilience: The Strength to Be Flexible

The Strength to be FlexibleFlexibility, suppleness, elasticity—the dictionary offers these words as close synonyms for resilience. How can we be firm enough—strong enough—to stay true to ourselves under duress (note January’s theme of “integrity”!), yet soft enough—pliable enough—to make the changes that these very times ask of us? Like a dancer’s use of their body, we need to learn how to be firm without becoming rigid, how to be soft without losing shape. Come, let’s learn the supple steps of the dance of resilience together!

We use the beautiful song “On Your Way Home” by Luther Schutz, performed by Guitars Aloud, to inspire this week’s search for our own resilience, as individuals and as a community.

And please plan to stay after worship for Soup, Bread, and Conversation: “Rooted, Resilient, Rising—Next Steps in Whole-Church Faith Formation”!

Worship Leader: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones

Worship Associate: Marnie Singer