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For the first time in two years, some of us will gather in the heart of our sanctuary for the “passing of the light” this Christmas Eve, while others join us online with their own candles to receive and pass the light in turn. All of us share the songs in our heart—familiar Christmas carols and stories, along with “Above the Northern Lights,” “Christmas Bells,” “Midnight Mass,” and “Stille Nacht.” Director of Faith Formation jo mosher and Rev. Nancy find new readings to honor the meanings we find in this night.
For this MULTI-PLATFORM Service, up to 40 people, all masked and vaccinated, can attend in the sanctuary—NO RESERVATION REQUIRED. We have plenty of room!
If you are joining us from home, we suggest that you join us from a darkened room, lit only by a candle or two. You can join us online at this Zoom link:
However you attend, wherever you are, we look forward to welcoming you into this loving community!
Worship Leaders: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones, jo mosher, John Ector, and all our musicians
Topics: Christmas Eve