“Only Connect”

Join us live → https://bit.ly/FUCSJ-Sunday-Worship-and-Social-Hour
Meeting ID: 970 0872 9249 / Password: 096695
By phone: 669 900 6833 US (San Jose area)
Find your local number: https://uuma.zoom.us/u/abeU54lCqn

E.M. Forster’s phrase “Only connect” speaks to this month’s theme of “Cultivating Relationship.” This Sunday we look at the possibilities, risks, benefits, and even the how-to’s of seemingly random connections that may lead to lifelong friendships. We introduce a “Cultivating Connection” experience with folx at FUCSJ—and bring it to life at the next week’s Church Social! We make time for Joys and Sorrows, and we hear the next details for our proposed Capital Campaign, “Building a New Way: Creating Space for Radical Inclusion.”

Please do join us for this Sunday’s online service. Then come greet each other anew at the in-person Church Social outside the church on Sunday, October 10, at 2:30 p.m.!

Worship Leader: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones
Worship Associate: Joyce Miller



Join us live → https://bit.ly/FUCSJ-Sunday-Worship-and-Social-Hour
Meeting ID: 970 0872 9249 / Password: 096695
By phone: 669 900 6833 US (San Jose area)
