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When Unitarian Universalist congregations like ours, who belong to the Soul Matters Sharing Circle, choose the theme of “Renewing Faith” for this month of March, what kind of faith are we renewing? In this religion, we have such a range of spiritual beliefs and groundings that we might not agree even on the definition of “faith.”
This Sunday we’ll give ourselves time and space to remember and reconnect with what lies at our core. Rev. Nancy and FUCSJ’s new friend Rev. Sarah Skochko explore what they believe at their core, where they find strength and guidance, and how they live in a “both/and” theological world that may not fit into neat categories. And Rev. Nancy brings back fresh questions and discoveries from the Faith in Action National Network (PACT’s parent organization) Faith Forum in Washington, D.C., during the previous week.
The music this week connects us with the strength and hope we find in the earth, in reason, in compassion and love: the Spanish hymn “Al despuntar en la loma el día,” and “Wake, Now, My Senses,” #298 in Singing the Living Tradition.
And we’ll find our grounding in community as we share our Joys and Sorrows, too.
Worship Leaders: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones and Rev. Sarah Skochko
Worship Associate: Julia Rodríguez
Topics: Listening