It’s Been a Year: What a Commitment!

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Image of the “Broken-Openhearted” Chancel Decoration that Jenny Cressman made several years ago. It is a red heart that is cracked, with 2 smaller hearts rising out of it.

On this one-year anniversary of the pandemic shutdown, we open a space for honoring the grief and celebrating the learning that we’ve experienced this year. Please sit with these questions in advance:

  • What griefs from the past year do you want to name?
  • What has this year taught you that will change how you live going forward?
  • In response to what you’ve experienced this year, what commitments do you want to make or to renew?

Music this Sunday features “For Just Such a Time as This,” written for these days by FUCSJ friend Amanda Udis-Kessler and arranged for our quartet by Dianne Saichek. And we’ll sing Jason Shelton’s “Fire of Commitment” in a new exploratory way, allowing us to grow into the commitments we want to make.

Worship Leader: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones

Worship Associate: Mary Martin

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