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The first Sunday after Labor Day is traditionally our Homecoming Sunday, filled with ritual and a great sense of re-gathering, no matter where we have been over the course of the summer.
This year, we’ll celebrate Homecoming in two parts: Part I on September 12, when we’ll gather on Zoom and officially launch the new congregational year. Later we will rejoice in Homecoming, Part II, when we are able to offer multi-platform worship, with some people in the sanctuary while others participate by Zoom. Truly, we are on “The Road Home,” the title of the anthem by Michael Dennis Browne, adaptated by Stephen Paulus, which the Alegría Singers will bring to this Sunday’s service.
The Special Collection goes to our Homeless Concerns Group as they continue to serve our unhoused members, neighbors, and kin.
What to Bring for the Rituals:
- Wherever you are Zooming from, please have nearby a medium-sized bowl, some slips of paper for every person in your household, along with something to write with, and a small glass or pitcher of water. In this first ritual, we’ll acknowledge our griefs and losses during this past year.
- In our second ritual, we will name and claim our hopes and intentions for this congregational year! Please be ready to share these fill-in-the-blank sentences, either out loud or in the chat:
“This year in community, my hope is ________.
And this year I bring into community my intention to ________.”
We all have something to bring!!
Worship Leader: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones
Worship Associate: Bill Bowman