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Worship Leader: Our new Ministerial Candidate- Rev. Matthew McHale
Worship Associate: Bill Bowman and Diana Mecum
Rev. Matthew began his Ministry at Emerson in August 2016. He was raised as a Unitarian Universalist and has been an active leader in the denominations as youth and young adult, particularly in work around racial and climate/environmental justice, which are two of his deep passions.
Rev. Matthew grew up in Long Beach, CA and has also called Oakland, Berkeley, Cleveland and England home. Rev. Matthew attended seminary at Starr King School for the Ministry, and has BA and MA in American Studies.
Rev. Matthew loves creating worship services that touch the head and the heart, and a compelling prophetic vision grounded in history of justice work in UUism and the wider world. He believes that a church should serve those within and beyond its walls, and equip others to live lives of meaning and purpose.
Rev. Matthew has a daughter, River Grace, with his wife, Anna Wagner.