“Gender Diversity Is Sacred.”

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The Trans Pride flag -- 5 horizontal stripes in the following order: light blue, pink, white, pink, light blue. The words "Gender Diversity Is Sacred," are written in pink with a light blue border across the middle white stripe.

This will be a service honoring the resilience, bravery, artistry, and wisdom of all the transgender folx in our world – by highlighting some specific stories. There will be art of many forms, powerful words, and necessary moments for grieving the continuing violence against trans bodies and trans minds. Across cultures and times, transgender folx have been revered and looked up to as spiritually-blessed, inspired, sacred guides. Come let us envision a world, where that is indeed a reality once again! Trans Resilience is Brilliance. Trans grief is Healing. Trans Joy is Power.

Worship Leader: jo mosher, Director of Faith Formation

Worship Associate: TBD

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