“Everything Is Holy Now” — Advent III

Meeting ID: 970 0872 9249  /  Password: 096695

A flock of red-winged birds in flight.


Guitars Aloud’s offering of the wonder-full Peter Mayer folk tune “Holy Now” forms the center of this worship service. Do you remember the last time a little red-winged bird took your breath away? Have you stood lately under the full moon and marveled at this universe we live in?

This Sunday we explore how moments of stillness can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary—how a moment of breakthrough, a sudden coming together of all that we’re sensing, can give our lives more meaning and joy. Helen Keller’s story is one of our sources, and there will be more.

We also make space for the downside of the holidays. Especially this year, many among us may find this season stressful or sad. We’ll sing Amanda Udis-Kessler’s new “blue holiday” song and share our Joys and Sorrows, surrounded by the love of this community.

Our Special Collection goes to Guest at Your Table. Please join us!


Worship Leader: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones

Worship Associate: Diana Mecum
