Día de los Muertos / Day of the Dead: Making Space for Our Beloveds!

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Meeting ID: 970 0872 9249  /  Password: 096695

Day of the dead alter with candles.

In this online Día de los Muertos / Day of the Dead service, we first make space for grief over the recent losses of beloveds in our Ritual of Compassion. We’ll share the names of beloved people or pets who have died in the last three years, and sing “Nada te turbe / Nothing Can Trouble” to each other.

Then we experience the joyful, funny, celebratory spirit of the true Día de los Muertos. We share calaveras—satirical poems about those still living—and we take time to remember the silliest quirks of our beloveds and ancestors who have died.

Please bring to worship photos or mementos of beloveds who have died—the items you would have placed on our altar. We’ll have time to share these photos and memories in small groups during worship.
Music includes an anthem from former FUCSJ members Heather and Nayo Bridger-Ulloa, along with many other special treats!

Worship Leaders: Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones, Ervin Barrios, and Marta Norment
