Celebration Sunday

Join us in person in the Sanctuary or online live →https://bit.ly/Sunday-Morning-Worship-at-FUCSJ

Meeting ID: 991 2292 1439 / Password: FUCSJ
By phone: 669 900 6833 US (San Jose area)

Find your local number: https://uuma.zoom.us/u/abeU54lCqn

“There’s a Light in You!” That’s the message and a “song for all ages” from Jaeger & Reid, an Oakland duo who will share their music and stories with us this Sunday.

Whether you’re brand new or a long-time member, come hear the good news as we celebrate this community’s generosity and commitment to our mission of making love visible in all we say and do.

We’ll provide a time during the service when members and friends can fill out their annual pledge forms. And everyone can use this time to consider this:
What do you value most? What do you most want to give and/or receive from our spiritual community?

Tune in early! Our guest musicians will play live in the sanctuary
starting at 10:45am.

Celebrate with us after the service in Hattie Porter Hall with a
scrumptious lunch, including vegan and vegetarian options.

We’ll explore the meaning of stewardship in the midst of beloved community. What are the various ways that each of us contribute to the life of the church? How might we stretch ourselves and our resources to make possibilities come to life?

Worship Host: Rev.Dr.XK

Worship Associate: Rick Merritt
