Celebration Sunday

Join us in person in the Sanctuary or online live →https://bit.ly/Sunday-Morning-Worship-at-FUCSJ

Meeting ID: 991 2292 1439 / Password: FUCSJ
By phone: 669 900 6833 US (San Jose area)

Find your local number: https://uuma.zoom.us/u/abeU54lCqn

On this most celebratory Sunday, in addition to an inspiring talk by our current UUA Moderator, Charles Du Mond, the Alegria Singers will perform George Harrison’s “Here Comes the Sun,” award-winning UU musician and songwriter Laura Zucker will play our Music for Gathering plus two songs during the service, and local musician Juliette McDonald will do a musical Story for all Ages on our labyrinth. We will serve a homemade lunch after the service and there will be the opportunity for those who have not yet to hand in their pledge forms. Please join us for this special Sunday service!

Worship Leader: Charles Du Mond
Worship Associate: Inés Zapiola
