Minutes, OMC, 5.14.24
Minutes, OMC, 5.14.24
Members of the OMC: Rev Dr. Xolani Kacela (Interim Minister); Bill Baldwin (Finance Officer); John Burk(Denominational Affairs); Patrick Canonge(Co-Building); Ruby Delgros (Scribe); Connie Hall(Co-Membership and Connections); Steve Madden (Stewardship); Diana Mecum ( Worship Associates Coordinator); Madeline Morrow (Co-Membership and Connections); Sundar Mudupalli(Co-Personnel); Sue Pelmulder (Co-Building);K’Ailsa Rowan, (Co-Personnel); Jan Theiss-Guffey(COO); Social Justice,rotating
Attendees at this meeting: Diana Mecum, Steve Madden, John Burk, Connie Hall, Bill Baldwin, Patrick Canonge, Jan Theiss-Guffey
Worship (Diana Mecum)Reviewed the upcoming services.Rev. XK will be absent from the pulpit after June 30; need to plan for a goodbye party for him. Flower Communion will be celebrated on May 19.Rev. Matthew will begin the third week in August.
Stewardship (Steve Madden) We now have about $422,000 pledged. Note: we owe the UUA $2,000 less than was calculated at the beginning of our fiscal year.
Social Justice (John Burk) No report.
Personnel Neither K’Ailsa or Sundar were able to attend, but Jan Theiss-Guffey reported that K’Ailsa was working on a Personnel Manual which she hopes to have ready for the OMC to approve in June.
Membership and Connection (Connie Hall) We are getting more visitors now, and are making concerted efforts to follow up with visitors.
Finance (Bill Baldwin) – We are bringing in more money than budgeted, spending less than budgeted—looks good!
Building (Patrick) We had a good Service Is Our Prayer Day, there were 14 people in attendance, and a lot got done! We’re 98% of the way to Garden City Construction beginning work, probably late June or early July; as of this writing (6.3.24), the contract has been signed. The front doors are repaired and painted as of this writing (6.3.24)
Budget Rationale (Jan Theiss-Guffey) Jan proposed an addition to the budget rationale for presentation at the Congregational Budget Meeting on May 19, to the effect that the OMC would be in favor of increasing John Ector’s hours to 20 and give him benefits at some point if that were possible. Motion did not carry. There was talk of giving him a longevity bonus, as he is our longest employee (12 years).
FYI (from Connie Hall) Monty is preparing some Partner-Church-related events—members of the partner church will be visiting. There is also a local Hungarian festival coming up. (update: Monty hosted a Town Hall after church on 5.26 to talk about our partner church visitors who will be coming in September 2024.
Additional actions since May 14: By majority email vote on May 28, we voted to pay Jim Scott. Musician, $600, more than what we normally pay visiting ministers, for a church service on July 21st.