Membership and Connections Team
We Need You to Keep our Community Humming! Join the Connection Team!
The Membership & Connections team includes the folks who organize the greeters for Sunday services, and after-service hospitality and Welcome Table where newcomers can ask questions about us or sign up for all-church email and RE. These have been restarting in stages as we reopened after being closed for the pandemic. We want to restart all these ministries since new people are coming to our services, and we want to offer them a warm welcome. We also want to foster connection and community for all of us after our long isolation. You can help with this practice by volunteering one Sunday a month, or even every other month. They are all great ways to deepen your connection to the church community. Being an introvert is no impediment – with a little practice, talking with new people gets easier and even soul satisfying. You don’t need to be an extrovert – just be willing to be a friendly face. If you are new to the church, these are excellent ways to meet people and get connected.
- Our front church doors have been repaired, and we are now passing the plate again. We need more greeters – three every Sunday. Greeters are an essential part of being a hospitable church. Please contact Liz Owen if you can help with one Sunday a month –
- Our welcome table after service connects visitors with information about our church. Please contact Meredy Ender if you can help with one Sunday a month –
- Refreshments after service are another important part of welcome. We need to expand our hospitality volunteers so each person can do 1 Sunday a month or less. Please contact Connie Hall at if you can help.
If you want more information or want to volunteer, contact:
Meredy Halen for the Welcome table
Liz and Bob Owen for the greeters
Connie Hall and Liz Owen for Hospitality
Connie Hall and Madeline Morrow
Co-chairs, Membership & Connections