John EctorSince April of 2013, John Ector has served as Director of the Alegrı́a Singers at the First Unitarian Church, San Jose (CA). He also served since January of 2014 as Adjunct Faculty at Mission College, Santa Clara, where he directs the Mission College Chorus, and occasionally teaches Beginning (Class) Voice, Music of the World, and other duties as assigned and necessary. John has over 35 years’ experience in Music and Music Education, specifically Choral and Vocal Music, including Conducting, Arranging, Vocal Jazz, and, increasingly, Composition. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music with an emphasis in Vocal and Instrumental Music Education from Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, a Master of Music Degree in Choral Conducting and Pedagogy from the University of Iowa, and has completed over 60 hours and all Major coursework toward a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Choral Conducting at the University of Arizona. In addition, he has now passed the eleven-year mark with Trader Joe’s, where, in addition to his duties as Crew Member, he also serves on the Wine Team and as a Demo Server.