Introducing the FUCSJ Transition Team
The church has a new working group tasked with guiding the interim ministry period. They are called the Transition Team (TT) and consist of Deb Fenzel-Alexander, Chris Skibo, Liz Bowen, Amy Lorenzen, and Meredy Ender. The team was selected through collaboration between Dr. Xolani Kacela and the Board of Directors using a broad range of criteria.
The TT’s mandate consists of, but is not limited to, facilitating reflection regarding the state of congregational affairs, identifying areas of concern that need addressing during the interim period, determining church groups that need attention, and working with leadership to develop goals and objectives for improving the congregation’s health. Their work will be done with eyes on the future.
Throughout the interim period, the TT will consult with Dr. xk to assure the transition from interim to settled ministry is smooth and aligned with board’s search process timeline. However, the TT works independently of the board.
Since the TT represents the congregation, please show them support as they conduct this vital ministry work.
In faith,
Dr. Xolani “xk” Kacela
Interim Senior Minister