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This is intended to be a place where web site instructions can be kept.

– log in to

– click on the “Appearance” item in the right-hand menu. You should see:

– click on “Customize” under the “Appearance” item. You should see:

– roll down in the list on the left. Select “Widgets”. You should see:

– “Widgets” has sub-menus. Click on “Home 5”. You should see:

– the third option here is “Navigation Menu: Quick Links”. Select that. You should see:

– click on “Edit Menu”.

– do the rest of it and save the result.

How to Make Changes to Other Right-Hand Side Page Elements

WordPress allows us to put elements in areas of the page. (I do not understand the plan behind this but I see how it works, for some things. -rrk) To edit these page elements, go to “Widgets” part of the instructions above, in “How to Make Changes to QuickLinks”. See the picture below. For example, “Support Us!” is in a “Custom HTML” element in “Home 4”, the “Monthly Theme” stuff is in “Home 6” and the Announcement paragraphs are in other “Home” elements.

Different pages may have different layouts. We usually have one layout for the main page and one other layout for all of the other pages. Check other pages. You may need to make a similar edit in an analogous ((though not necessarily equal) page element in the other layout.