FAQs (frequently asked questions) about the Right Relations Team (RRT)

1. Why an RRT? What’s the rationale?

The mission of the RRT is to foster a healthy community by promoting effective communication. Where there is a challenging communication situation or sense of conflict, the RRT is available for consultation and help.

2. What does an RRT actually do?

The RRT is a resource for effective communication within the congregation. The primary
function of the RRT is to be available to congregants for consultation and/or assistance in situations of difficult communication or conflict. In addition, the RRT is able to provide educational opportunities relating to communication and conflict resolution.

3. Why now? We haven’t had it before, what’s different now?

We could answer, “Why not now?” The concept of an RRT has been discussed in the Church off and on since the ‘90s and exists in many UU churches. Now is as good a time as any.

4. Are there problems we need to address right now? What are our current conflicts?

Whenever independent-minded people such as UUs get together there will be differences of opinion and challenging communication situations which may lead to conflict. Information about conflicts within the congregation is confidential, unless they affect the entire congregation.

5. What is the relationship between the RRT and the Right Relations Covenant?

The Covenant is a blueprint for harmonious relations within the congregation. The RRT is a tool people can choose to use when these relationships are less than harmonious. Use of the RRT is completely voluntary.

6. Do we really need the RRT? Can’t we follow the Covenant on our own?

Certainly! But effective communication and conflict resolution are skills—- we can all improve.

7. If we “break” one of the Covenants, do we have to go before the RRT?

Certainly not. The RRT is a resource to help congregants communicate more effectively. Its use is entirely voluntary. It is not a “police” function.

8. Do other churches have RRTs?

RRTs are common in UU churches.

9. Would an RRT have helped with the conflicts we’ve had in the past couple of years?

“Monday Morning Quarterbacking” is seldom effective; however, who knows? Having had an
RRT to aid in conflict mediation/resolution might have helped.

10. What if a congregant has a conflict with a staff member? The Minister?

In the case of a conflict with a staff member, congregants should consult with the Minister. With the Minister, contact the Minister directly. If you feel the need, you may request a member of the RRT to accompany you as a neutral party. If such efforts fail, you may request additional support from the UUA Congregational Life staff.

11. Are matters involving the RRT confidential?

We strive to keep matters we deal with confidential to the RRT. Exceptions include abuse of a vulnerable person (child or elder) or danger of harm to self or others. In rare cases when a conflict threatens the peace of the congregation the Minister will be involved.

12. How do I reach the RRT?

The RRT can be reached at rightrelationsteam@sanjoseuu.org. They will respond within 24 hours.