Category: Monthly Essay

Welcome to: The Month Of Change

Big changes are coming your way. The UUA has proposed changes to the denomination’s Bylaws
to which you should pay close attention. The section, known as Article II, defines the UUA’s purpose and principles.
Here is the link:
Click on the link, then … read more.

Welcome to the Month of Belonging

You hardly knew
how hungry you were
to be gathered in,
to receive the welcome
that invited you to enter
You began to breathe again…
You learned to sing.
But the deal with this blessing
is that it will not leave you alone,
will … read more.

Welcoming Our New Minister

Reverend Xolani “xk” Kacela, Ph.D. has served the Unitarian Universalist movement since 2006. He was awarded Full Fellowship in 2012. He was ordained by the United Methodist Church in 2001. Prior to San Jose, he served congregations in NM, NC, and TX. He serves as … read more.

How Do We Nurture Beauty?

How Do We Nurture Beauty?


This month’s theme—Nurturing Beauty—reminds us humans that we are more than just passive admirers or recipients of beauty. We have an active, mutual relationship with all that’s beautiful, whether the beauty lies in things, experiences, people, places, … read more.

Opening to Joy: Liquid Amber Trees

Opening to Joy:
Liquid Amber Trees
by the Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones

Today, during my weekly online Lunch with Rev. Nancy, Frey Leigh finishes up his check-in with the words: “Oh! And I have something for Show and Tell!”

He reaches off camera … read more.

Welcome to the Practice of Holding History: Two Essays

Welcome to the Practice of Holding History: Two Essays
from the writers at the Soul Matters Sharing Circle,
a Unitarian Universalist resource collaborative,
with an introductory note from Rev. Nancy

Before You Read—An Important Note from Rev. Nancy:

Beloveds, in the work of anti-oppression, we student-practitioners … read more.



Your Senior Minister’s Goals for the Congregational Year

by Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones

“What is mine to do?”

In my reflection from our August 22 worship service, printed elsewhere in this newsletter, I list this question as one of my great learnings … read more.

Remembering How to Play

June/July Theme: Play

by Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones

“Across the globe, many of the etymological roots of the word ‘play’ locate it in the visceral: ludere in Latin refers to leaping fishes and fluttering birds. The Anglo-Saxon lâcan means to move like a ship on the waves, … read more.