How we conduct the meeting is as important as what we accomplish.  The Board has adopted this list of questions to guide our process observation.

  1. Did we attend to the relationships and the process of our work, as well as to the tasks and the outcomes?
  2. Did we attend to strategy and direction, deferring to the OMC for operational concerns?
  3. Did we listen deeply to each other and avoid cross-talk and interruptions?
  4. Did we share the air space? Did we we apply “move up/move back” to encourage those who do not often speak up, and to encourage those who frequently contribute to allow room for others?
  5. When appropriate, did we use mutual invitation to ensure that we hear all voices before making a decision?
  6. Did we consider the voices not at the table: the under-represented, the marginalized, the broader communities we serve?
  7. Did we approach our work with humility and curiosity, instead of assumptions that we “already know”? [One example of the practice of non-defensive curiosity: employ the framework “I notice … , I wonder ..”]

In addition to those questions, at every meeting we always ask: did we get a reasonable amount done?

Pick one at random?